Welcome to BIOL 4001: Field Botany Urban Botany OER/ZTC course site.
Course Concept
Since we live in an urban environment with many trees, shrubs, and flower plantings this course is designed so that each student will always be able to walk down the street and have some familiarity with their environs. To that end, each student will learn to identify approximately 50-60 trees and shrubs and know them by their common name, scientific name and family, as well as some annuals and perennials commonly used as bedding plants. Students will learn some basic the botanical concepts, which are used in, plant identification, such as botanical structural features used in phylogeny and taxonomy of plants. In addition to this, students will get an overview of the ecological and economic aspects specific to urban botany.
Course Schedule
Lecture: Tuesday, May 31st, 9 am to 12 pm in 1127IH. This is the only lecture. Attendance is mandatory.
Lab: Open lab is available 10 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm in room 2227IH on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the semester unless there is a holiday or a conversion day.
Course Requirements
During the 6-week summer session there will be one in person lecture, readings, 5 quizzes, an in-person practical exam, and a collection book assignment. Attendance at the lecture and the exam is mandatory. Open lab is available to help you but attendance is not mandatory.
For each week there will be readings assigned and a 20-minute quiz given on the content readings for that week. Quizzes available from Monday to Sunday on the week they are open and can be taken multiple times until the Sunday deadline.
Course Calendar
Download a broad outline word document calendar for the course.
Lecture: Dr. Anna Petrovicheva – [email protected]
Office hours: Wednesdays 9 am to 10 am
In person or online, will be announced on Blackboard at least a week prior to office hours’ time.
Dr. Eliza Wiech – [email protected]
Office hours:
Mondays 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blackboard Collaborate
June 6th, June 13th, June 20th, June 27th, July 11th
Week of July 4th: Friday July 8th 11 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Blackboard Collaborate
Dr. Ileana Friedman – [email protected]
Office hours: None for the rest of the semester due to low registration.
Course Structure
- All readings, images, slides, videos etc. for BIO 4001 Field Botany: Urban Botany will be available on a website (the one you are on right now)
- All content is provided for free and there are no books to purchase.
- All course sections are combined in the Blackboard site into the 1AAL section.
Course WordPress Site Contains
- Syllabus and course schedule.
- A pdf file (“Collection Packet”), which is a manual that provides leaf outlines and descriptions of each of the trees and shrubs in the course site.
- PowerPoint content lecture files with botanical information to use for exam study on the course site.
- Readings for each week in PDF format.
- Assignment instructions.
- An excel file (“Plants on Exam”) with a list of all the trees, shrubs, annuals and perennials on the exam.
Course Blackboard Site Contains
- Discussion boards for online interaction, resources and office hours.
- Lecture slides.
- All quizzes.
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